Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Game: Dragon Age: Orgins

Yes I know slow to the plate here.

I have kept as far away from Bioware games for a while due to the fact I have no urge to play them, not that I hate them just as I said above I have no URGE what so ever to play them. Until now.

I was told by a slightly troll like friend that being a fan of fantasy games I should play this since as I quote " the first 6 hours are brilliant" 

Only the first 6 hours? How long is the game? Very long it seems.

I am 28 hours in and I have yet to get to the end and so far I have all but two characters left to get for my party I have been told. But I did accident kill one ( Sorry Wynne, Morrigan told me to do it ) so I have one left to find.
So far its been a lot of fun and I most admit even I couldn't help my ogle the sprite of the Forrest (such lovely...hair) pic related.
To my better judgement I romanced Alister after I had given him his feast day gift not realising it does +50 approval. ( He went from hating me to trying to sweet talk me to his tent in a matter on seconds)

The romance option is fun, too bad from a female character point of view all the men aside from Alister are a bit off in a Stoic way or trying to get in your pants every minute way.( first time I have ever heard an elf with an italian accent)

But hey the story is more important so screw that (pun not intended).

The game is a good fantasy romp and I have always wanted to play an elf in a fantasy game. 
Now I can.
The game play is confusing at first compared to the usual RPG style of fantasy fighting, but it makes you feel like you are in control, more so once you get used to the tactics system.

Score so far:
since I have yet to complete that game and see a decent ending.

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